
This is an article that was created 566 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.



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This is an article that was created 721 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.

在上上篇博文中描述了如何将博客源文件推送到GitHub私有仓库备份,这篇文将讲述如何从GitHub私有仓库clone至本地重构 Hexo 环境来写博客


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This is an article that was created 723 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.


  • bat启动 Hexo 本地服务
  • bat 推送至 Github
  • 自动打开markdown编辑器

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This is an article that was created 723 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.

Hexo 部署到Github的文件不包含主题文件,md文件,模版,配置文件等,在新电脑要重新部署相同环境写博客就要拷贝这些文件过去,可以通过文件共享,U盘拷贝,云盘等手段


看到一篇博文(https://0skyu.cn/p/a8bd.html) 就整的非常好,其中原理过程可以自行去研究


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This is an article that was created 726 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.

今天推送 Github Pages 博客发现需要输入账号密码,网页端检查SSH Keys 和本地检查公钥pub都没问题

最后通过搜索引擎助力,修改 https 方式为 git 方式,成功推送


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This is an article that was created 1139 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.


bat启动 hexo 本地服务


@echo off
start D:\Program" "Files\Git\git-bash.exe --cd=D:/blog/blog -c "hexo clean && hexo g && hexo s"
  1. 新建后缀为bat的脚本文件
  2. 复制以上命令粘贴(注意修改路径 ),保存
  3. 双击此脚本运行的结果相当于在你的 blog 路径下右键 “Git Bash Here” 并输入 “hexo clean && hexo g && hexo s” 运行.

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This is an article that was created 1493 days ago, and the information may have evolved or changed.

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